The Hemp Industry in India: Myths V/S Facts

Hemp, a variety of Vijaya Sativa plant, grows naturally in several parts of India. Its benefits, uses, and applications are penned down in several ayurvedic scriptures, proving its endless wellness has been historical to Indian culture. But the popularity of the Hemp plant has only recently found its footing. It can be said the Hemp Industry is still in its nascent stage, blooming with possibilities.

Hemp Plant Leaf

Hemp in India

There are several misconceptions about the industry and the plant that need to be busted.

Myth #1: Industrial Hemp is same as Marijuana

FACT! This has to top the list of myths about the plant, which further stems from myths. Like Lemon and Orange come from the same plant- citrus- hemp and marijuana are members of the same family (sativa) with different compositions and thus, vastly different effects. They even differ in terms of cultivation and applications.

Myth #2: Hemp is addictive

FACT! It is not. The myth that hemp intoxicates on consumption is based on a lack of knowledge. The Tetrahydrocannabinol levels in Industrial Hemp are so low that it can not have psychoactive effects, unless a person is highly sensitive to Tetrahydrocannabinol . Infact, the cannabinoid present in Hemp acts against the intoxicating effects of marijuana. There is no scientific literature that proves its potential for habit forming.

Myth #3: The fats in Hemp are harmful

FACT! Hemp is rich in Omega-6 and Omega-3 fats, which are actually extremely rewarding for a whole bodily balance. What is bad for you are processed fats, but naturally occurring fats in Hemp keep balance in your internal functions. Omegas, like GLA, found in Hemp are good for your heart’s health and their simple make-up also make them easily digestible.

Myth #4: Hemp is just a protein for Vegans

FACT! This is only partially true- Hemp is the protein for Vegans. But it is a far superior food source to turn meat-eaters into vegans because it is easily digestible, making it a great friend for your stressed-from-processing-complex-meat your intestine. It not just offers proteins, it also has essential and non-essential amino acids. With the Hemp industry picking up pace, the variety of available hemp products are forever growing. Think about milk, protein powder, flour, breads, salads, oils, etc. and Hemp has proven to deliver.

Myth #5: Hemp is not more than a seed to sprinkle on food

FACT! As mentioned, Hemp has been used in different types of foods, beyond being the raw seed to sprinkle on your salad. But there is more to the Indian Hemp industry than just putting it on your plate. Hemp is a reliable source of paper, sustainable textile, fuel, organic bath and body products, animal products, and even concrete among several more.

Myth #6: Cultivating the Industrial hemp pressurizes resources

FACT! Far from this myth is the reality of hemp’s contribution to environmental sustainability. In comparison to cotton, corn, or soy, growing hemp saves 9 million litres of water, roughly. It absorbs five times more CO2 from the air than trees. As a matter of fact, producing hemp eliminates the use of chemical controllers as it is naturally resistant to fungi, insects and diseases. Additionally, it also returns most of its nutrients to the soil, making it healthier and slow to erode.

Hemp Plants


The industrial hemp market is expected to surge at a CAGR of 34 percent from $4.6 billion in 2019 to $26.6 billion by 2025. It is studied and proven that hemp-based products promise a future in the Indian business ecosystem like none other. There are limited businesses offering hemp-based products to the Indian population. But these offerings, as predicted, will only rise owing to Hemp’s proven benefits.

Ananta Hemp Works is one such initiative that brings nutrition, wellness, personal care, pet wellness, and medicinal products under one platform. The products are all organically produced within Indian territory to promote Hemp’s acceptance along with Indian economic development.

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